FedEx Shipping + Label Printing (2.0.1)
Tested on Prestashop Version: 1.7.x
Real time FedEx shipping rates for PrestaShop 1.7 mean your customers never pay too much and you never charge too little. Fully integrated Label Printing and automatic tracking number emails save you time and keep your users happy.
Our highly customizable and powerful shipping modules provide consistent, easy-to-use and flexible shipping for any shop, including shipping rate previews on product pages and more.
See below for additional destails, demo links, reviews and more.
Get real time shipping rates from the FedEx system.
Shipping rates are calculated by weight and dimensions or one of the Fedex boxes.
Generate & print labels directly from the backoffice order page, and automatically send tracking number email.
Single Box - Assign one box size which will be used for all products.
Multiple Boxes (Fixed Size) - Define how many products can fit in a box (number), or calculate only by weight.
Multiple Boxes (Product Dimensions) - Define all the box sizes you use for shipping, assign dimensions to your products, and the module will automatically calculate (using an algorithm we developed) how many boxes are needed to fit all the products (always trying to use the smallest / lowest number of packages).
Ability to have free shipping by Product, Category, Manufacturer or Supplier.
You can select which shipping options should be available.
Each shipping method can have its own Free Shipping Limit, Additional Fee, and Insurance.
Display a shipping preview on the product page, which does not require the customer to login.
Smart caching system for maximum speed.
The Module requires SOAP (a Standard PHP extention).
Use Voucher Code "SHIPPING" to get $10 discount when buying 2 shipping modules.
2.0.1 (11/27/17)
Fix for installation instruction.
Fixed for free shipping
Updated FedEx API
Q) What is the difference between this module, and the FedEx module that comes with Prestashop?
A) The FedEx module that comes with Prestashop (and many other Fedex modules for other carts) are very limited when it comes to calculating the boxes that are used for shipping.
They generally offer 2 options:
1) Place all the products in 1 box with a fixed size - This can cause high estimates, as a small product and a large product will share the same box size (which would have to be big)
2) Place each product in its own box - This causes even higher estimates, since using 2 boxes instead of 1 larger box is more expensive.
Our module uses an advanced algorithm (developed by our team) to calculate products / boxes.
It lets you specify multiple box sizes that you typically use for shipping, when products are added to the cart, the module automatically calculates how many boxes / which sizes are needed to fit all the products. It will always try to use the fewest boxes and the smallest sizes.
This provides the most accurate rates for your customers.
Our module lets the customer see a preview of the shipping rate for each product (no login required), as well as the ability to set a free shipping limit per shipping method and zone.
Front End PrestaShop 1.7 demo (Origin address: USA / CA / 90048):
All our modules are offered at 50% off and are sold "As is". We offer limited paid support.
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